Friday, August 22, 2014

follow friday // @mtischer

name // Monika Tischer
age // 24
location // Vancouver, BC
occupation // Currently a hairstylist, but still searching for my true passion.
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oh, monika. what can I say about this girl? I've had the opportunity to stalk her online for a few years now and finally became real life friends with her last year. not only do we have being hairstylists in common, but we also like frozen yogurt and being outside in the trees more than any other place. her photos capture the beauty and serenity that surrounds her on her jaunts outside with friends. I hope to see this beautiful lady again really soon, and in the meantime give her feed a peek + follow!

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1. what inspires you daily?
Honestly, quite a lot. It's easy to find inspiration in day to day life, whether it be people, places, music, photography, architecture, design, nature. Inspiration can be found anywhere. I find a lot of inspiration while scrolling through Tumblr. So many amazing, creative people in this world, it truly blows my mind.
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2. so you were in Saskatchewan for awhile, what were you doing there??
I was working at a power plant! Roughing it for a few months to make some quick money and pay off student loans, etc. Happy to say I'm officially debt free with money in the bank!
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3. you're a hairstylist! are you currently doing hair? how and when did you decide to do hair?
Since I was away in Saskatchewan, my position was temporarily filled at the salon I had been working at for close to a year, Moods Hair Salon. There's a chance I could be going back to Saskatchewan for a month in October so I may just ride out the next month or so, taking temporary shifts at the salon here and there. Working in the beauty industry was always in the back of my mind, ever since early high school years. I decided to take the plunge and enrol in hair school two and a half years ago! I moved to Vancouver and have been doing hair ever since. Although I've constantly been working in a salon, I enjoy styling above anything else. I would love to be able to get more involved in weddings, photo shoots, music videos, etc. Maybe once I'm home for good and have some real time on my hands!
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4. you live in beautiful Vancouver, do you have any plans to relocate anytime soon or stay put?
I'll be staying put for a while. Vancouver is so wonderful and it's felt really great to be home after being away for 4 long months. I'm finally settling into my studio apartment, making it my home.
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5. if you were a tree what tree would you be and where would you choose to plant yourself?
Either a redwood in the Redwood Forest or a cedar tucked away somewhere in the dense forests of the PNW.
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6. describe your perfect weekend from beginning to end:
Gathering a handful of friends and disappearing into the mountains to camp for a few days. Good food, good people, good conversation. Campfires, hot coffee in the mornings, beautiful surroundings. Hopefully somewhere with little to no service so people actually talk with one another rather than stare at their phones, haha. 
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7. name your 3 ultimate wardrobe must haves:
- A good pair of high waisted, skinny black jeans.
- A loose fitted white tee.
- Black leather chelsea boots.
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8. any celebrity man crushes? describe to us your ideal man:
Ha! Celebrity man crush, oh my. If I had to choose, probably either Johnny Depp or Jake Gyllenhaal (with a beard). OH, and excluding his terrible personality, Justin Bobby. Remember him? Ideal man would have to be someone who treats others kindly, first and foremost. There's nothing worse than being with a guy who is rude to a waiter/waitress/barista/anyone. Someone thoughtful, outgoing (I love when a guy can make conversation with absolutely anybody), witty, patient, creative and loving. A man who can do manly things like start a fire and chop wood, who doesn't mind roughing it in the mountains, road trips (lots of road trips), nights that consist only of snacks and Netflix, dressing up, dressing down, early mornings, good taste in music, and eating healthy (more often than not). He would preferably be taller than I am; I've had a handful of just-my-height-boyfriends but nothing beats being able to look up at your guy. If I'm going full on ideal, including physically ideal, black and grey scale tattoos, own personal style, and maybe a little facial hair. Who am I kidding, a good beard equals extra brownie points for sure.
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9. if you were forced to eat only 3 foods the rest of your life, what would they be?
Oh no. I love too many. Okay, here goes:
- Every fruit and vegetable ever
- Nachos
- Frozen yogurt (original tart with fruit toppings)
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10. how do you like your coffee?
Normally I would say in the form of a cappuccino but lately I've been trying to cut back on any unnecessary cream/sugar/empty calories, meaning I've been drinking a lot of americanos. I'm not too picky when it comes to how my coffee is made, as long as it's good quality! I appreciate a well roasted bean.
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11. favorite place you've traveled to so far?
That's tough. I'm going to limit it to real traveling, since there are way too many places in the PNW and along the Oregon coast that I could choose from. I backpacked through South East Asia for 5 months in 2011 and we stayed at so many incredible places along the way. During the last bit of our time in Thailand before moving on to Cambodia, we signed up for a three day jungle trek leaving from Chiang Mai with a handful of other travellers. On the second day, our guide led us (part way by elephant!) to the most wonderful village, miles away from any real civilization. The "village" consisted of only three huts and a few families, who, despite not speaking a word of english, were probably the most welcoming, generous people I've ever met. We spent the night eating a delicious meal cooked by the locals, drinking beer around the campfire and setting off a few sky lanterns we had made earlier that evening. Also, Venice is ridiculously magical. If you ever find yourself in Italy, be sure to go.
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12. what's one message you'd love to share with the world?
"In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you."
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Pinterest //

thank you for your thoughtful answers & for being part of follow friday, monika!

x's + o's
kaitlin elaine


  1. Beautiful pictures! I'll definitely follow her!

    Sophia ||

  2. Gorgeous photos! Definite new follower of all three, anyone who photographs Canada/PNW I will most likely jump at the chance to follow.
