Friday, August 15, 2014

follow friday: @deercircus

follow friday is here and we are featuring one of my favorite bloggers deer circus aka bridget park! i feel like this girl and i live parallel lives. we both are wedding photographers & we have beagle puppies (and strapping men!). come  on bridge, lets me real life friends! (plus, i am obsessed with bridget jones diaries and i have been wishing for a friend named bridget)

anyways. bridget, bridge... i am so excited to have you apart of the feel & flourish family! i so enjoyed this q+a and all the lovely photos she sent us as well! now.. get to know this lovely lady!

1.Bridget Park // 25 // wedding + engagement photographer // Denver, CO

blog//  deer circus
instagram //deercircus 

2. what led you to start your blog?
My college was in this quaint water-side town in Northern Washington where, on many days, it drizzled and drizzled the whole day long. I'd spend so much time squirreled away in coffee shops, writing (I majored in English), or editing photographs...and I wanted a place to start cataloging those things. That's also when I started reading more blogs, and I felt such a strong connection to so many photographers + writers out there.

3. what has been the most rewarding part of blogging?
I can't begin to say how humbling it is when someone reaches out to you -- leaves a comment or sends you an email saying you inspired them in some small or great way. I really believe in the power of owning your voice, and in using art (whether that's photographs or writing or film or fine arts or decorating or style or anything) to discover yourself, and to connect with someone else. If I've inspired just one person to take one photograph or write one sentence they really love -- then I'm happy with this ol' thing. : )

4. what inspires you?
Ah, everything! My husband and friends will always tease me for these poetic tangents I'll go one when just walking down the street. I swear, I'm, like, composing sonnets in my head about the moon or about a sweet smile from a stranger or the simple joy of watching my own two feet exploring. I take everything in. 

5. tell us your love story! (you + your huz are so adorable.)
Thank you! We are high school sweethearts! If you can believe it, he first asked me out at the lunch table. Haha! We've pretty much been joint at the hip ever since. After high school, we decided to go to the same college, and we got married a week after graduating. And then, another two weeks later, we went on our first big adventure -- moving to Denver for Robert to attend pharmacy school. And what all comes next...oh, we'll see! Hopefully a million (or a couple) babies! 

6. what is your ideal sunday
A morning latte, and spending time connecting with God. And then, records spinning all day, writing a letter to my pen pal, and a long sunday drive with my honey and our pups, into the mountains for a little picnic. If we can work a little rain into the morning and a little star-gazing at night...well then we are perfect! 

7. if you were a flower, which flower would you be?
Well, I'd very much like to be a fluffy, pink peony -- because oh, they make my heart sing! But then also, on other days, I think I'd be a wildflower growing in a grassy patch overlooking the sea. 

8. what inspires your style? (i have admired your fashions sense for sometime now)
That's so sweet of you! Honestly, I just really, really believe in having fun with dressing! I read my mood in the morning, and let it take over! Sometimes that means I'll feel like a French girl -- very easy and feminine and vintage-minded -- off to sit in a cafe, and other times I'll feel bohemian and retro and free-spirited and ready to drive down the Highway One and never come home. 

9. I see you are a wedding photographer too! What do you love the most about shooting weddings?
Love is just wonderful. It's amazing that we can all feel this intense drive to need to love and to be loved -- something so universal, but expressed and made evident so differently (so vastly differently) by every couple. There's always some special moment that lingers with you and sends you home thinking, was I really privy to that? I feel blessed to spend so many of my days in the company of people so, so in love. 

10. where do you hope to see your blog // your family // yourself in the next 5 years?
I just always, always want to be creating -- in whatever way I can. I hope, more than anything, to be a mother -- and to be cultivating a home, to be world traveler, and to still be documenting life through photos and words. More than anything in my life, I just want other people to know that they matter and that they are loved -- so if I can always find myself in a position (through blogging, and encouraging others to share their voices, too) to give that to others, I'll be so very, very happy. 

thank you so much bridget for being apart of follow friday!
we heart you!

x's +o's,
chelsea diane & kaitlin elaine 

1 comment:

  1. Bridget is the loveliest! So glad to see her on this space of yours
