Friday, June 6, 2014

follow friday: @jacklynbarber

name // Jacklyn Barber
age // 24
location // Guelph, ON, Canada
occupation // Photographer & Part-time Coffee Slinger
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okay, so maybe i just have a thing for attracting redheads as friends, but everything about jacklyn has made me want to befriend her so badly! we aren't real life pals yet, [of course i hope to be sometime real soon, if she makes her way down here to the PNW!] she is incredible at capturing beautiful scenes in a way that makes me want to be in that place at that very time. the colors, the subjects, everything is so wonderful! follow along with her adventures on instagram to see her stunning photography and a few photos here and there of her gorgeous, freckly face as well!

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1 // your photos are so inspiring! what inspires you daily?
People. The people I know, and the people I meet. Architecture, landscape. There's a lot that inspires me, really.
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2 // it seems as though you have traveled around a bit, where's your favorite place you've been so far?
It's a toss up between California and Oregon. There's just something about being close to the ocean. 
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3 // have you always lived in canada? do you have plans to move elsewhere anytime soon?
Born and raised. My restlessness has certainly increased since I've started travelling. Right now, I'm considering packing up my things, and heading out West. I'm still on the fence about it, though.
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4 // what's your favorite summertime tradition?
We've rented a cottage for years on a small lake up North. It's one of my favourite places to spend some down-time in the summer.
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5 // do you have a most embarrassing moment you wouldn't mind sharing with us?
I don't often get embarrassed. There was this one time, though. I was at a red light, listening to (and singing) a Patsy Cline song at an outrageous volume, when a police officer pulled up beside me and asked me to turn it down. It made for a long, awkward few minutes.
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6 // if you had to eat only one food and wash it down with only one beverage for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Pie and Bourbon OR Tacos and Mexican Coca-Cola.
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7 // if you could be any animal, which would you choose and why?
A Feral Horse. Maybe out West somewhere, or overseas. They're truly beautiful creatures.
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8 // what's your best or favorite vintage/thrifted find ever?
I have this 1950's Peck & Peck dress that I found last year. It's gorgeous, but I don't wear it often enough. Probably out of fear that I'll ruin it.
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9 // where do you see yourself in 5 years, personally & professionally?
Oh, this is tough. I mean, hopefully I've made the move out of my hometown by then. There are a lot of things I want to learn, experience and accomplish in the next five years. I'd hope to have had the opportunity to travel a little more, but mainly, I'd like to be a full-time photographer (and not a part-time one).
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10 // favorite blogs or instagrammers you've been inspired by lately?
Well, you and Chelsea, of course. Chris Schoonover (@cschoonover), Jill and Kyla (@ourwildabandon), Emily Blincoe (@thuglifeforevs). I could probably make a gigantic list of folks. I'm constantly inspired by what I see on Instagram.
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11 // what have you been jammin' to?!
I'm a huge fan of old Country and Western. Lately though, I've been listening to a lot of 1960's French Pop. Francoise Hardy, Serge Gainsbourg and France Gall.
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12 // where could we find you on your day off or on the weekend?
If I'm not out gettin' lost with my camera, I'm probably out two-steppin' at the country tavern.
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follow her ---->>
follow her ---->> @jacklynbarber

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thank you for being part of follow friday, jacklyn! hoping to one day be thrifting partners-in-crime :)

x's + o's
kaitlin elaine


  1. I love all these interviews! is there a way to view ALL of them, like a label or something? :)

  2. This is really sweet! I love all of her work, so lovely.
