Friday, April 4, 2014

follow friday: @thetessafrench

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introducing tessa. this girl is just straight up adorable.
today kaitlin and i were on the phone chatting as per usual and i had brought up that we were featuring
her today for ff. immediately she said, "oh my gosh i have had a crush on her & her feed for years...
i started following her when she was getting ready to move cross country for her boyfriend."

follow friday has become one of my favorite posts we do each week.
i get giddy every time reading the q & a.
there is something so fun about getting to know your favorite IGer besides through their feed.

i came across tessa's feed awhile back. i love her clean style that she has with her photos.
plus, girls got style.
and lets just say her husband & my boyfriend could be brothers.

thank you so much tessa for being apart of ff!

//1. Name // age //  location // occupation

        Tessa French // 21 // Little Rock, AR // sales associate at Dillard's

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//2. Tell us a little about YOU!
  I'm just a simple girl in love with Jesus. Living the best life with my dream guy and our two fur babies (Wilco & Toski). I'm from Alabama, lived in Florida and currently reside in Arkansas. I'm an avid thrifted and lover of all things vintage. I enjoy a good cup of iced coffee and you can almost always catch me wearing red lipstick and high waisted pants (my favorites). I go to Target at least three times a week, if not more! I love Star Wars, Thai food, Disney movies and the color turquoise. I also love playing video games and board games. I'm usually shy when I first meet people (I'm working on that) but give me an hour or so and I'll be the complete opposite!

//3. Spill it, tell us your love story

        Okay, here's the "short" version! Joe and I met on Instagram! It's kind of crazy because we're not even sure how I came across his feed, but we're pretty sure it had something to do with a Star Wars hashtag (yep! we're nerds). But I thought he was seriously the cutest guy I had ever seen! We were "insta" friends for months before we talked outside of Instagram. And we later found out that we both had a huge crush on each other. One day Joe posted something about Twitter so I decided to follow him on there.. he followed me back.. and then I messaged him (I was very persistent. Ha!) As soon as he messaged me back, we HIT IT OFF. From that moment, we started talking 24/7 and our relationship quickly grew from messaging, to texting, to talking on the phone to Skyping. We knew there was something special that we had never felt before with anyone else (we both had been through previous long/serious relationships) but this was just different. About a week after we started talking, I had a 6 hour drive from Florida to Alabama and Joe accompanied me on the phone for all of those 6 hours. We shared our entire lives with each other.. and that's when I knew. I don't know how I knew, but I remember being on the phone with him and realizing.. This is the guy I'm going to marry one day. For us it was a God thing, like God was saying "Hey! Remember those times your other relationships didn't work out and you were really angry? Well guess what.. it's because I was saving your heart for this person right here." People say "when you know, you know" and I never believed that until I met Joe.. but we both knew.. right from the beginning. It wasn't until about 4 months after that that we actually met in person. I was living in Jacksonville, FL and he was in Little Rock, AR. But us meeting in person for the first time was more amazing than anything we could've ever imagined. It felt like we had been together for years! It definitely felt pretty magical. We had a long distance relationship for over a year and we traveled back and forth as much as we could. As soon as I graduated from school, I moved to Arkansas! A little over a month later, we were engaged and 4 months after that, we got married! And the past 7 months of being married to Joe have been the best months of my life. I'm so thankful I get to spend my life with such an amazing guy and thankful for a God who could bring us together from a little social media app. Kind of crazy!

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

//4. What's your ideal Sunday?

        My ideal Sunday would be starting the morning off with some pancakes & bacon and some Jesus! Followed by a walk in the park and a picnic, laying on a blanket and dreaming up big dreams. Ice cream, dancing, and singing in the car in the afternoon! Thai food for dinner and then some thrifting. And ending the night with cuddles on the couch while watching The Office and not having to work in the morning. That would be perfect!

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//5. If you could trade bodies with anyone from any decade who would you choose? And why?
   Zooey Deschanel, hands down. She's such a babe and so witty and I love her "adorkable" charm. Plus.. those bangs.. those perfect bangs.. I wish I had those bangs. She's just all around perfect!

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//6. What do you love about your husband?
  Joe is my BEST FRIEND. We do everything together.. from making up the weirdest dance moves to writing songs about fat cats to trying to throw marshmallows in each other's mouths from across the living room! We are always adventuring to new places and exploring different things.. Life with him is so much fun and never ever dull. I love that so much! He is constantly making me giggle and putting the biggest smiles on my face. He's so silly! Oh and he always does the dishes because he knows how much I hate to do dishes.. I've only done them once since we've been married!  I could go on for days...

//7. Where do you see yourself in five years?

        I would love to be doing ministry work and worship with Joe (maybe for a living, that's our dream). And I'd love to be traveling. There are quite a few places that we're dying to go! But we also we some little "french fries" aka kiddos in a few years and hopefully own a house, so we'll see! We're really open to whatever plans God has for our lives.

//8. What are you currently reading?
   I've been so crazy busy lately that I haven't opened a good book in forever, it seems, except the Bible. But I'm about to reread The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath because it's been far too long since I've read any of her amazing work.

//9. What are you currently dancing around in your living room to?
   Call me crazy, but I'm currently obsessed with Frozen so I am always playing the Frozen soundtrack. In the car, in the house.. it's on ALL THE TIME!

//10. What inspires your insta snaps?

   I love that I get to share parts of my life with all of my wonderful insta followers! So I'm always taking pictures of my favorite moments during each day! Anything that makes me happy.. I'll probably snap a pic of it :)

now, lets get to the freakin' weekend ya'll! happy follow friday!

x's + o's,
chelsea diane


  1. Gorgeous girl. I'm seeing a pattern here of beautiful, talented ladies, with a heart for Jesus. Lovin' it!
