Saturday, February 22, 2014

knit it out!

this past winter i wanted to be more productive while curled up, sipping my hot chocolate and watching christmas movies. i remembered years ago my mom tried to teach me how to knit, and i failed immensely. to this day she loves to remind me that my project looked more like "knotting" than knitting. but now, i am determined to redeem myself as a knitter.

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chelsea and i both love knitting. she's been knitting for years, where as i have just recently taken it up and taught myself through the wonders of youtube. many people have ask how i learned, and this particular lady [kristen] was very easy and helpful to follow along with. she has a series for beginners: how to cast on, knit and purl stitch, and casting off. click here to watch her videos!

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i told chelsea i was learning to knit, and she excitedly told me she had been working on knitting me a scarf since last winter and was inspired to pick it up again and knit with me. we both agree knitting is such a therapeutic, relaxing but productive activity. it can take your mind off whatever is racing through it and the repetition help you "zone out" and relieve stress.

anytime we are feeling like a bit of an emotional mess, going through a hard time, or just stressed beyond belief, we tell each other to "knit it out!" we've decided to start a series on feel + flourish called just that: knit it out. we will be attempting to learn new stitches [so far we haven't even tried the purl stitch!] and teaching you as we go. we will also include short stories of times we've had to "knit it out".

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even if you aren't interested in knitting, we hope you will still enjoy following along as we progress in our craft [try to create something other than a scarf] and share little snip-its of our lives. we really are just girls who sometimes have a lot of feelings and have no other way of dealing with it than texting our bff, eating chocolate, and knitting it out.

happy knitting!

x's & o's,
kaitlin elaine

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea! I've tried to teach myself to knit a few times with absolutely no luck (same with crochet--I think I'm just yarn-challenged). I'll have to give those videos a try; maybe this time will be different. ;)
