Tuesday, June 3, 2014

likes // dislikes + june calendar!


likes // 
the horizon where the sky meets the ocean, chocolate anything, colors of autumn, laughing til my stomach hurts, holding hands, cedar & pine, summer campfires, disposable cameras, enthusiasm, bell bottoms, breakfast dates, golden hour, evening neighborhood walks, sun hats, the desert, sending & receiving mail, chips & salsa, dresses, basking in the sun, watching snow fall, dappled sunlight, flea markets.
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMugPhoto & Video Sharing by SmugMugProcessed with VSCOcam with m4 presetPhoto & Video Sharing by SmugMugProcessed with VSCOcam with m4 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with a4 preset
dislikes //
eggs & avocados, allergies, blood, road rage, my own indecisiveness, broken hearts, being called ma'am, hot hot weather, box hair color, tongue rings, taking clean glasses out of the dishwasher, annoying kids, airplane turbulence, creepy bugs, pessimists, doing dishes after cooking, skinny jeans + flip flops together, violence, steak.

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likes // 
the smell of rain, falling in love with a new book, long car rides, laying on the couch with a cup of coffee, the smell of fresh basil, talking to my best friend on the phone for hours, hearing people speak in French, a good cheesy bean burrito, kisses, mid century furniture, a clean kitchen, soft blankets, listening to records, painting, wearing Andrews t-shirts, during the fall walking along a sidewalk and feeling the leafs crunch below my feet, Texas sunsets, knitting, cuddling with my three animals, watching the one I love do what they love, big comfy gooey pillows, & last but not least, peonies. 
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dislikes //
bad breath, loud neighbors, hot weather, debbie downers, cleaning the kitty box, a bad cup of coffee, sun flowers, feet, scary films, bad teeth, clutter, metal agains metal sound, people that clear their throats every five minutes, that feeling when you realize your milk is expired & last but not least, people who talk real loud!

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{click photo and then right click to download!}
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[photo by andrew]

x's + o's
kaitlin elaine & chelsea diane

1 comment:

  1. Hah, I always hate taking dishes out of the dishwasher. I thought I might be the only one :)
